Nursery Places for Babies in Madeley Heath

Nursery Places for Babies in Madeley HeathNursery places for babies in Madeley Heath are easy to find. What is more difficult is knowing the quality of care and attention your child will receive.  We have a reputation as one of the best nurseries in our area. We provide a happy and safe environment for your baby and will provide the best possible care for it. If you have more than one small child we offer discounts if both the children come to us. The baby room is self-contained and this is where the very little children are accommodated. Our baby carers are fully trained and adore looking after the little ones. As they grow they move into appropriate groups with others of their own age.

When you have to go back to work after having a child in Madeley Heath, nursery places for babies become an important consideration. You want to be sure that your child will receive the same attention and care as they do at home. We have a full-time cook who makes fresh and healthy meals for all the little ones. Babies will get fresh baby food and will have their diets adjusted as they get older. We provide breakfast, a 2-course lunch and an afternoon tea. Fruit and drinks are available throughout the day. We encourage the children to enjoy healthy eating habits with lots of fruit and vegetables.

For over 30 years we have provided nursery places for babies in Madeley Heath. Contact Rainbow Day Nursery now or visit us and see what a wonderful environment we provide for little ones. We take the greatest care of your most precious possession. We are open 51 weeks of the year from 7.30am to 6.00pm. We are closed on bank holidays and for 1 week over Christmas. Your little one will find a home away from home with us and will look forward to coming to us as they get older. We are both Ofsted and National Day Nurseries Association registered. Ensure your baby is happy and safe and choose Rainbow Day Nursery for his home away from home.

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