Nursery Places for Babies in Silverdale

Nursery Places for Babies in SilverdaleWhen choosing nursery places for babies in Silverdale, we recommend you finalise your choice before baby is born. Our day nursery welcomes your visits and encourages you to familiarise yourself with our infant nursery and caregivers before you need us. We accept babies starting at 6 weeks old. Come learn about our history; we’ve been open for more than 30 years. Our facility is registered with Ofsted and The National Day Nurseries Association. Our staff is highly trained in early childhood care and education. We think you’ll love our baby nursery. It’s set apart in a quiet area. Each baby has his or her own cosy crib with a delightful mobile. Our infant staff is ever present with plenty of soothing cuddles, rocking chairs, gentle chatter and dry nappies.

After baby is born when the time comes for you to return to work, you will be comforted visualising your baby in our safe surroundings. In Silverdale, nursery places for babies become their second home and we partner with you in your child’s care. You can always bring any concerns or questions to our attention and we will address them immediately. We believe continuity is important for children which is one reason we are grateful for our low turnover in staff rates. But continuity plays a role as your child grows and moves into the toddler section and on to the preschool area. He’ll be well prepared for big school without the need to leave our main facility and familiar faces.

By age 5 or 6, your child will look forward to leaving the nursery places for babies in Silverdale behind and becoming a big kid. He’ll be prepared with early letter and number skills and a great deal of knowledge about his natural world. His social skills will be well developed and good manners and fair play will already be natural for him. Your child will learn and grow in self confidence in our safe, well equipped environment. Through it all, the children just think they’re having fun. Contact Rainbow Day Nursery for more information about our nursery. We think you will rest easy knowing how well cared for your child will be while you are at work.

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